Monday, November 7, 2011


In honer of my daughter Aiden's love of butterflies I am posting these magical plates that illustrate all that is so lovely and delicate about "buer fees" as she likes to call them. These are by Ted Muehling. Talk about stunning glass and porcelain objects anyone can live with!


When I get dressed everyday (except on Sundays) I tend to layer in clean lines that follow simplicity. Shouldn't interiors reflect who you are? Sometimes. I love the clean and simple and yet there's an exotic side of all of us that needs to come out in interesting spaces that excite, and warm you inside your soul.

I'm a fan of the Elle Decor column that features designers who speak of the 10 things they can't live without. One day I'm going to subject viewers to my private collection of the beautiful and the bizarre. For now I'll just settle for this beautiful room. Seriously, less really is more.